Carrigtwohill United’s U8s at the Coerver Blitz Saturday 22nd of November.
Carrig’s 2 teams played 3 matches each, in what was for many of them their first inter-club soccer match ever.

Our players showed great composure and really enjoyed themselves on this sunny winter afternoon.

This event should be repeated many times this season, with the different Academy age groups taking turns to play every week end.


Events such as this one are a fantastic way for these young players to learn how to perform in a competitive match, away from the pressures often associated with competitive matches. This is thanks to the rules enforced by Coerver, the organisers of the blitzes: no coaching from the touchline. For players and spectators, it makes for a very entertaining afternoon where the players are left to make their own decisions and find solutions themselves.

Few older players in Ireland have had the opportunity to be developed in this way and this should have an enormous impact on the development of soccer in the region over the coming years.