22nd May 2022

Under-16 CSL Div 3 at Ballyadam

Carrigtwohill United

V Buttevant

On a lovely Sunday morning Carrigtwohill United Under-16’s welcomed Buttevant to Ballyadam for not only their last league game of the season but also at  Schoolboys level.

Having won the toss Buttevant kicked off but brilliant pressure from Carrigtwohills midfield and striker led to Mateusz winning the ball and playing in Seba who beat the on rushing goalie 10 seconds into the game.

Carrigtwohill settled into the game with Paul and Noah commanding in the middle of the field setting up the front pairing of Seba and Mateusz who combined expertly and got a second goal when Mateusz again set up Seba to expertly finish for a deserved 2 nil lead 20 minutes into the first half.

The back four of Cathal Robbie Matthew and Evan were well on top and restricted Buttevant to only half chances which goalkeeper Fillip comfortably dealt with.

Half time Carrigtwohill with a deserved 2 goal lead.

The second half started with Buttevant trying hard to get into the game but the back four stayed solid with Matthew in his first game playing centre half clearing everything that came his way. Wingers Charlie and Ryan kept on attacking and creating chances which kept carrig on the front foot. Apart from a couple of corners, one which Buttevant hit the crossbar, carrig never looked like conceding.

The game finished with Carrigtwohill pressing for a third goal their dominance deserved with sub Ethan breaking from his own half only for he goalie  to pull off a great save which he repeated to deny Charlie after a great run.From the resulting corner Mateusz had a shot cleared off the line.

A deserved win to end the year on a high with a great team performance which all 12 players worked hard and played some lovely football to end their schoolboy journey on a high.

Player of the game goes to the team