League v St.Mary’s A in St.Mary’s Park on Saturday 13th December 2014
St.Mary’s A 0 Carrigtwohill United 0

This was a match played on a crisp and cold December morning. In fact, the team nervously waited around prior to kick off as the referee carried out a pitch inspection but thankfully had thawed enough to play.

The game started at a very high tempo with St.Mary’s pushing Carrigtwohill back and winning two corners in the opening ten minutes. However after this initial pressure, the Carrigtwohill midfield started to take control with good work from Ebe Imoh on the right wing. The first clear chance of the game came from some controlled possession in midfield and a clever through ball from Darragh Hoare which split the St.Marys defence and allowed Rob Adam to run through on goal. The shot went inches wide, but this was to be the start of Carrigtwohill’s dominance of the rest of the half. The best chance of the half fell to Abdul who actually had the ball on the St. Mary’s goal line but in the melee, the goalie managed to scramble it out for a corner. Next up was Sean deBurca, with a driving shot after a long dribble from the back line – it seemed that the opening goal would have to come shortly but it was not to be.

In the second half, the game was very entertaining with both teams having chances to score. Our back four put in their best game of the season and with Ben Naughton in goals making a super-save to tip the ball onto the post at one stage. Darragh Hoare, playing in central midfield, was controlling the Carrigtwohill attacks with clever effective distribution of the ball. The chances kept coming with Abdul and Daniel Ciolacu going close on occasions but the breakthrough would not come.

This was the best team performance of the season to date with great effort from all 13 players and a good encouragement for 2015.

Ballyseedy Home & Gardens Man of the Match: Darragh Hoare