League v Passage in Ballyadam Park on Friday 23rd September 2016

Our u11s played their 4th league game of the season this evening. Two 8 a side games were played against Passage. It was great to see  so many of the u11s turn up for the games, with many of them after a very hectic week of sport.

While our opponents were stronger, our u11s never gave up and great credit is due to them.

The u11s league is proving to be a big jump in standard, and while results have not been going our way, the non-competitive ethos at this age group is allowing our lads to develop as footballers. The u11s are showing great effort and commitment to  improving their skills, ability and game play. The coaching team is very proud of our u11s commitment and effort – keep it up gang. The going is tough, but hopefully this will stand to this very bonded group in the years ahead.