League v Macroom in Ballyadam Park on Sunday 8th February 2015
Carrigtwohill United 1 Macroom 3
Scorer: Darragh Ymedji.

On a Cup week end, teams that have not been fortunate in the competition use up the time playing those of their matches that have been cancelled. And so it was time to meet Macroom, division leaders for the first time this season.

This was a midday game and yet the fog had not lifted by the time both teams were ready to play. This did not seem to deter Carrig’s U11s who started brightly. They dominated the game through a combination of solid defending and good presence in midfield. Well served by impeccable goal keeping from Adam Rooney and then Mark O’Connor, Carrig reduced Macroom to half chances whilst they themselves were pilling on the pressure at the other end. It seemed well deserved therefore that they should go ahead through the local live wire Darragh Ymedji who used his speed, not for the first time this season, to elude Macroom’s defence. Just before the end of the half, Macroom’s forward came to notice for the wrong reasons, diving towards the Carrig Goal Keeper studs showing and catching the keeper’s knee badly, leading to a change in Carrig’s goals.

The second half started in similar fashion with Carrig still sparkling. Soon Luke McCarthy found space on the left wing and crossed towards the penalty spot. Macroom’s full back handled the ball and the penalty was awarded. Sadly, the spot kick sailed narrowly past the post and the score stayed at 1 nil. What happened next was reminiscent of the Leeds game, although it was even more of a reversal of fortunes. Carrig seemed increasingly tired and Macroom started finding space in midfield from which to play through balls between Carrig’s back three. This delivered 3 goals in 15 minutes with hard shoots from close range across the face of the goals beating Carrig’s goal keeper at the far post.

A disappointed and arguably undeserved outcome, but a very strong performance nonetheless from Carrig’s Under 11s.

Ballyseedy Home & Gardens Man of the Match : Piaras Fitzpatrick.