The Club held a very successful table quiz last Friday. Thanks to the Easter Trip Committee for organising a very enjoyable club social night.

Section of the large attendnace at the Table Quiz on 6th Feb 2015

Section of the large attendance at the Table Quiz on 6th Feb 2015

Section of the large attendance at the  Table Quiz on 6th Feb 2015

Section of the large attendance at the Table Quiz on 6th Feb 2015

Section of the large attendance at the Table Quiz on 6th Feb 2015

Section of the large attendance at the Table Quiz on 6th Feb 2015

3rd Place - Brendan Cronin and Team

3rd Place – Brendan Cronin and Team

Chairman Martin Jones presents 2nd Prize

Chairman Martin Jones presents 2nd Prize

Chairman Martin Jones presents 1st Prize - this prize was returned to the Club and auctioned on the night adding to a great fund raising event - thanks to all who contributed to the event

Chairman Martin Jones presents 1st Prize – this prize was returned to the Club and auctioned on the night adding to a great fund raising event – thanks to all who contributed to the event