The club are now accepting schoolboy membership for the coming season.
Please download the form , complete and bring page 3 along to your first training session
and hand it with the membership fee to your manager.
New members are asked to contact the manager to ensure their is a place available in the squad.




Contact Number


U-16 Wednesdays Tommy Grimes 086-3068492 7pm
U-15 Tuesdays John O’Sullivan 086-1548781 7pm
U-14 Wednesdays Colm Drinan 087-6556215 6.45-8.15pm
U-13 Thursdays Stephen Moore 087-2793081 7pm
U-12 Thursdays Paul Nolan 087-6790688 7pm
U-11 Thursdays Fred Adam 087-6086457 6.30pm – 8pm
U-10/9/8/7 Mondays Stephen Moore 087-2793081 TBC