Date : 25th November 2018

Venue: Kanturk


Kanturk : 6

Carrigtwohill : 3


On a crisp November morning, Carrigtwohill United made the long journey to Kanturk for a 10am kick off. The thick fog had lifted just enough for the game to go ahead. A brilliant start to the game for the visitors when Phillip Slewa broke down the right wing before crossing a perfect ball into the box for the inrushing Evan to finish and put Carrigtwohill one goal up in the 2nd minute.


Continuing to control the game, they could have being further ahead but didn’t take their chances and were made to pay for a simple mistake when Kanturk equalised on 20 minutes.


Regrouping, Carrigtwohill again took the lead when again Phillip  drove at the defence and crossed for Cillian to finish this time.

Unfortunately, they switched off and conceded 3 goals in a couple of minutes. Back they came again and after Ryan Cooke was upended in the penalty area Phillip Slewa stepped up to smash the ball to the net. An entertaining  1st half ended with Carrigtwohill 4 goals to 3 down.


The 2nd half started with the visitors on top but again failing to take their chances and were again made to pay when Kanturk broke and scored soft goal. As hard as they tried, they just couldn’t score and Kanturk scored a rebound after Callum made a great penalty save.


The effort and football on the day from the Carrigtwohill lads deserved at least a draw. Man of the match was Phillip Slewa for his goal and two assists.


Man of the Match: Philip  Slewa