AOH Cup v Blackpool Celtic in Ballyadam Park on Saturday 6th December 2014
Carrigtwohill United 2 Blackpool Celtic 0
Scorers: Leonard Healy.  Martin Carroll.

After last week fantastic comeback and a good weeks training we were looking to impose ourselves on Blackpool Celtic. Which is exactly what we did with quick play great inter change of players and solid defensive play.

We totally dominated this game and how we scored only 2 goals  I will never know. There keeper was fantastic but also some wasteful finishing kept the score at 2. We opened the scoring on the 30 min mark after good passing movement  between Pa Burns, Darren and Alan Stapleton his through ball was dummied by Derek and into the path of Leonard Healy who smashed it past keeper.

Second half started the same was chance after chance going by with out  a goal. We had pa burns sent off harshly and even with 10 men  we managed to score our second with Martin Carroll header sealing the win. League action next Sunday morning v Dillon’s Cross.

Ballyseedy Home & Gardens Man of the Match: Derek Delea.