Ted Healy Cup v Rockmount in Ballyadam Park on Sunday 30th November 2014
Carrigtwohill United 1 Rockmount 6
Scorer: Conor Harte

On Sunday, we welcomed Rockmount to Ballyadam Park. After previously losing to the same opposition, this was always going to be a tough task but the first 30 minutes, Carrig created good chances with Conor Harte hitting the crossbar at one stage. Rockmount also had good chances and they punished us on 32 minutes from a quick throw that caught us exposed at the back. The had a second within minutes. The half ended with Rockmount having a 2 goal advantage.

Within 3 minutes Rockmount got a third and effectively ended this game as a contest. They scored 2 more goals before Harte put the ball in the net after good interplay between himself, Billy Manning and Conor O Mahoney. Rockmounts class shone through as they scored a sixth to end the game 6-1 to the visitors. Next up is Evergreen at home next Sunday in the league.

Ballyseedy Home & Gardens Man of the Match: Gearoid Cody.