League at Knockgriffin

19th January

Midleton FC – 2

Carrigtwohill United – 0

This was a tough local derby played at a high intensity for 90 minutes. Carrigtwohill lined out with David Rooney and Ethan Harkin-Daly anchoring the defence and they were immediately pressed into action. It was the home side who most of the ball in the first half but they struggled to translate pressure into real chances with Jack Horgan and Cillian Carroll doing well on both flanks also.

The second half was a more open affair, with Zak Casagrande in midfield and Gary Yerskin doing well but it was Midleton who struck first, a counter attack down the left wing, and a neat finish from close range.

Carrigtwohill were not going to sit back, and with due credit to lads, they re-doubled their efforted. Ethan moved to midfield and put in a colossal performance and the match was very evenly balanced at this stage. However, it was Midleton who got the second goal which settled the match with a strike from the edge of the box.

With several good performances on the day, it was Cian Thornton in goal who received the plaudits for his handling and distribution in goals and with two particularly outstanding saves, one in each half just when his team needed him most.

Man of the Match: Cian Thornton