AOH Cup v St John Bosco’s C in Ballyadam Park on Saturday 6th September 2014
Carrigtwohill 6 St John Boscos C 0
Carrigtwohill Scorers: Martin Carroll 3, Derek Delea 2, Mark Collins.

On a perfect day for football, our Premier A Team team came out comfortable winners against St John Boscos C in the 1st Round of the AOH Cup.We opened the scoring on 5 min when a great ball from Darren Sylvester picked out Eoghan Geaney who delivered a super cross for Martin Carroll to head home. The rest of the half we kept the ball very well and all that was missing was that final pass or strike on goal.

At half time lads were asked to be patient and the goals would come which they did. Martin Carroll got the second from an Eoghan Geaney corner. The 3rd goal came after some great link up between Martin Caroll and Derek Delea which “Carlos” finished off well for his hat trick. Next up was Mark Collins who got a goal his performances in games and training deserved. Derek Delea got the final two goals, the first a penalty after he was brought down and the second a delicious lob over the keeper after great pass from Eoghan Geaney. The clean sheet was also a bonus on a day when the entire team put in a hard working performance.

Ballyseedy Home & Garden’s Man of the Match: Martin Carroll