Hi all, today we revisit the King of the Ring warm up but this time we concentrate on the dribbling skills that can be executed during king of the ring.
Make sure you know what the skills are and concentrate on perfect execution.
If you have problems with some of the skills, train for them specifically with someone/an obstacle in front of you (even just a cone) to make sure the skills will work on match day! Skills rating * to **


Today’s exercise is a very useful and adaptable “passing and receiving on the move” exercise similar to one we studied last week, only this time the players have to move around a rectangle and thus have a more complicated job to do.
As usual, don’t settle for just moving the ball around – aim for perfectly delivered passes and excellent directional touches. Also go around both ways to work on both right and left feet! Difficulty rating * * / * * *depending on the size of the rectangle you mark out

<<<*** TAKING LONG KICKS ***>>>

A simple video today but an important topic: how to strike the ball on a goal kick or a free kick in our own half. The key for this is not to try a long ball and get intercepted! If that happens we will have so many players on the wrong side of the ball that we may concede a silly goal. So, we need a safe, high & long ball. Check the video to see a technique that works. And remember: practice makes perfect – you can’t expect to deliver these in matches if you never train for them!! Two players face to face 60 or 70 metres away from each other and off you go! Difficulty rating * *


We have another bonus video for you today!
A masterclass on working on your ball heading skills from…..??
Check the video to take a short trip back in time and see who is giving the lesson today ? ! And don’t forget to finalise your video for the family header challenge and send on to your coach

<<<*** SOCCER SPRINTS ***>>>

Today is fitness day again!
You absolutely need to keep your fitness up. This video shows a soccer sprints exercise that can be practiced by a player totally by themselves between 4 cones.
Make sure you implement “interval training” where you work with high intensity then take a break then work then take a break etc…Try to do series of 5 laps around the 4 cones (so 5 times the 4 sprints = 20 sprints), take a 1 minute break, another 5 laps (20 sprints) then a break etc… If 5 laps is too much, start with 3 laps (12 sprints) and see how you get on.
Over a week, you will see improvements. And don’t forget to warm up well BEFORE the exercise! Enjoy ?

<<<*** TENNIS SOCCER ***>>>

Today’s video brings in one of the easiest ways to have loads of fun with soccer in a small space with only two players: tennis soccer.
It may sound like a less relevant little game, but it is a powerful way to work on your close ball control and get MUCH better at it. It is also huge fun and can lead to challenges between family members and even little tournaments!
Keep the pitch small and add a bounce on each side to make it more interesting – unless you are that good and can play full “headers and volleys”? Enjoy without moderation! Difficulty rating: * * *