R2T – Return to Training

The time has come where the club, having successfully returned to training with it’s senior team on July 1st, junior team on July 8th  and youth team on July 9th is ready to organise the return to training of its schoolboy teams.

Our Academy Co-Ordinator will communicate separately on the R2P for the academy and the rules might be amended to fit academy age groups, but it is important everyone is informed about what we are doing.

From this tuesday (U15s) and Thursday night (U14s), all schoolboy sides can now return to training if their coaching team is happy to do so.

To help you return to training safely, we have devised a set of guidelines and procedures


  1. The club has appointed Colum McCarthy as its COVID Officer and Colum is available for chats with anyone who wants to ask questions – covidofficer@carrigtwohillunited.com
  2. For the purposes of contact tracing, each squad will maintain a list of participants and this list will be submitted to the Covid Officer
  3. There are now specific rules in operation in Ballyadam Park (similar to those in effect in other public venues)
    1. No player should come to Ballyadam for any reason if displaying any symptoms of illness. The same rule applies to a coach or club official.
    2. The club house and dressing rooms are CLOSED – access is limited to the use of toilets and only one user can enter the building at any one time
    3. In keeping with HSE rules, specific “2-metre” social distance rules apply at Ballyadam until further notice (this is to limit risks as well as to facilitate contact tracing):
    4. Non-players are not permitted beyond the car park on training days – make an appointment to talk to coaches in the car park AFTER the session
    5. Non-players are permitted to access the play area on match days, BUT an exclusion zone applies – parents / spectators MUST stay behind the barriers / ropes in place around the pitches – in the case of underage matches, parents and spectators must stay at least 4 metres from all touchlines [to allow for socially distant travel around the pitch by players and coaches]. All spectators must remain socially distant from others who are not family members
    6. Parents must drop their child at the designated entrance to the pitches
    7. Parents can then turn back and leave Ballyadam or park in the upper or lower carparks – the area in front of the club house is strictly reserved for coaches and club officials
    8. If car parks are full, parents are asked to come back at the end of their child’s training session to collect them.
    1. Everyone entering the play area MUST pass by the COVID station and sanitise their hands without exceptions.
  1. Players – no sharing of drinks – every player must bring a water bottle with their name on it & no more bringing own football at training until further notice
  2. Bibs will be washed between training sessions – bib management will avoid the swapping of bibs during training sessions were possible & clean club jerseys will be provided to every playing player on match day.
  3. At their first session, players will get a briefing on these guidelines at the Covid station at pitch entrance
  4. These rules are subject to change as HSE and FAI guidelines are updated on a regular basis

This sounds like a set of restricting rules, but we also know that we have little choice in the matter and that in any case, it is our responsibility to do all we can to avoid a return to the drastic measures we have known from March to June.
The freedom we have recovered has a price…at least for now. Let’s do our bit to stay safe!

Onwards and upwards